
Thinking of an LMS for your business?

Human capital is truly the wealth of any organization. Helping train and nurture employees, meeting compliance regulations and improving business efficiencies are all key elements for modern business success; and that’s a big part of the reason why Learning Management Systems (LMS) are today becoming an integral part of business technology.

But which LMS is the right one for you and your organization? And what can you do to ensure it will still be the right one for business years, or decades, down the track? Listen carefully and you might be fortunate enough to hear – albeit faintly – the elephant’s trumpet…

Spend just a few minutes on Google and you’ll see a gaggle of articles, hints and well researched checklists on choosing an LMS. Most are very helpful, covering any number of topics such as functionality, analytics, reporting, integration levels, and more…. much more.

However, most also ignore the elephant in the room.

Will you and your LMS still be together in five or 10 years time? It’s a valid question to ask up-front, for it is a fact of modern corporate life that, despite careful planning and investigation scoping, meetings etc, most companies only realise that their LMS is inadequate a few years down the track – as their business and learning needs evolve and they come to the disruptive realisation that their LMS wasn’t really designed to keep pace with an ever-changing learning and business environment.

Face the facts. An LMS a big, important investment. Get it 100% right and you could sail smoothly into the future, becoming a hero to both employees and shareholders.

Face the truth too, because there’s plenty of evidence from the marketplace to suggest that many make the wrong LMS decision; truly a big mistake and one to be avoided if possible. According to 2015 Capterra market research which surveyed businesses actively seeking a new Learning Management System, 31% were switching from a current system. Of those switching, nearly 70% were doing so because their current LMS lacked the features the business needed*

So how do you make a wrong decision? More to the point, what LMS features do you need to look for, or look out for?

There are so many stories. Perhaps you invested in an off-the-shelf or out-of-the box solution – penny-wise but pound foolish – and as time passes the system fell short. This happens all too often and over time these les miserables discovered that ongoing customisation was not a viable option for a variety of reasons, such as the expense, lack of support by the vendor for non-standard additions, as well as upgrades not integrating properly with existing systems.

Then there is the possibility that the decision making processes to determine the best LMS was flawed. It happens all the time in situations where you bring together unnatural allies such as HR, IT and L&D because of a phenomenon known as ‘Group Think’.

Group Think occurs when individuals in a group feel pressure to conform to what seems to be the dominant view in the group. Dissenting views of the majority opinion are suppressed and alternatives are not fully explored. Or, if the group does not have an agreed defined process for developing and evaluating alternatives, it is possible that an incomplete set of alternatives will be considered and all options not fully explored.

It’s a real hazard in today’s fast-paced world, and especially in the decision-making processes that are an integral part of the multi-dimensional procurement processes involved in major purchases such an enterprise-wide LMS.

So how do you, secure a future-proofed LMS for your business? One that will evolve and grow with your changing business needs to align and re-align with your business. Protecting your original investment and negating the need for various expenses upgrades and customisations?

The only thing constant is change, so you have to learn to embrace it and integrate the concept itself into your decision-making process. For the future will always have an element of unpredictability. How complex will your learning needs and/or HCM requirements become? Will your business need an effective, global e-commerce solution in years to come? Will your business change direction as new opportunities present themselves?

These are all real-world, valid questions.

That is why you need to take an in-depth look at the key issue of configurability in your LMS selection process. Whether your LMS will be able to be aligned with your business needs in future years represents a critical factor in future-proofing your business and protecting your investment.

The elephant in the room…

Seertech and iLearning PLUS provides a highly configurable, integrated platform designed to align and realign with your evolving Learning, Competency and Compliance needs, in addition to delivering all the features you would expect from a class leading LMS.

This exceptional level of configurability of iLearningPLUS is a big reason why so many companies and organisations around the world are partnering with us.

Leveraging Oracle Technology, iLearning PLUS is a modular application designed to support enterprise, extended enterprise and e-commerce learning deployments all from a single platform, while providing the scalability, flexibility and configurability needed to meet specific requirements without expensive customisation.

The secret weapon lies in the system’s modular capabilities, comprising a unique combination of core and opt-in expansion modules that rival or exceed those of the best LMS applications available today.


iLearning PLUS is also constantly updated, with an open architecture designed to integrate with other key s HR/Talent system), external audiences and content providers.

In summary, iLearningPLUS is ideally suited to organizations that have unique or difficult to support requirements:

  • Internal AND/OR extended enterprise learning needs
  • Complex learning needs
  • Need to support sale of training courses to external audiences
  • A need for robust reporting and analytics
  • Complex integration requirements
  • Mobile learners
  • Learning for profit (ecommerce)
  • A need to continually change learning delivery and management processes based on changing market conditions

Here are just 5 reasons why customers have chosen Seertech and iLearning PLUS:

 iLearning PLUS

The system’s integration capability is also critical factor. iLearning PLUS is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing technology landscape; its flexible architecture enabling you to capitalise on your original investment whilst it evolves into a mission critical learning ecosystem for your organisation.

Mission Critical Learning harnesses the power of our Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver cost effective, real benefits to your business,  including:

  • Industry and regulatory compliance
  • Training to ensure your staff, partners and customers are safe.
  • Generating revenue through e-commerce

Every business is different, and a one size fits all solution short-changes a lot of organizations. That’s why so many companies from around the world have made the decision to partner with Seertech.

If you’re considering an LMS for your business, don’t ignore of the elephant in the room; and if you’d like to find out more about Seertech and iLearning PLUS then don’t hesitate to email: info@seertechsolutions.com or phone +61 2 9368 6700


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