
Mining productivity whitepaper

The highly globalised mining sector is not immune to the changes – economic, political, and social – that have resulted from the response to COVID-19. The associated macroeconomic and social changes highlight the risk of shifting dynamics in mining operations. When viewed in conjunction with the impending Work Health and Safety Bill 2019, mining companies have a watershed moment for review of existing operations.

So far, the mining sector has been resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cannot be said for many other industries. Most mining companies have been able to make rapid changes to limit the initial localised impacts of the pandemic. Strong balance sheets, entrenched safety cultures and close government collaboration have all helped during the initial response. However, despite generally strong liquidity and rebounding or steady commodity prices, mining companies cannot remain complacent. A recent study showed Global Profit Before Tax (PBT) is down 11%(1) and market capitalisation is down approximately US$150B(1).

A post-COVID-19 world is uncertain and the pause driven by lockdowns has enabled mining companies to revisit all aspects of their operations looking for productivity, safety and operational improvements. Mining companies should ensure that they can make rapid operational changes in very short timeframes. Mining companies with Integrated

Remote Operations Centres (IROCS) with access to cloud-based training, assessment and compliance seem best placed to manage this rapid change.

People play a major part in any mining operation. Keeping them trained, working and safe can have a big impact on profitability. A streamlined and accurate learning and compliance ecosystem benefits their ability to handle operational changes, while ensuring their safety in the workplace and dealing with restricted travel and interaction.

Organisations that use optimal technology and practices in their training and certification processes will be able to quickly tackle vulnerabilities and capitalise on opportunities that result from the momentous changes of 2020.

Mining productivity whitepaper

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